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Category Archives: Notable Quotables

Motivation Monday: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

I love the patriotism of America in the month of July.  It is a celebratory time when folks gather together to celebrate our nation’s inception, but it is also a time of reflection.  I feel so grateful to live in this land of opportunity.  To be free to think and say what I want.  To...

Motivation Monday: All About the Journey

As a small business owner who is friends with other small business owners, we often discuss the definition of success.  Is it our profit margin?  Is it our clients’ satisfaction?  Is it achieving balance between our personal and work lives?  Is it the feeling of personal gratification in doing what we do? I think at...

Motivation Monday: Don’t be Afraid!

Graduation season seems to be the time of year when people are all spouting off one tidbit of advice or another.  Celebrities and other notable folks are paid the big bucks to perform commemoration speeches at colleges around the country.  With summer on the horizon, it’s kind of difficult to take on anything requiring much effort right...

Motivation Monday: Do Your Best

In the last waning days of school, after all the projects are completed and the standardized tests are taken, I have found that all of us in our household are more than ready for this school year to be over.  It’s not that the routine is awful (I thrive on it!), but the wide open...

Motivation Monday: Nurture Your Creativity!

We all have a little bit of creativity inside of us, just bursting to emerge.  Some are skilled with a paintbrush.  Others are gifted wordsmiths.  Still others are fantastic problem solvers and inventors of amazing things.  Your gifts only become more pronounced the more you nurture your creativity. In many professions, creativity is not generally...